February 23, 2011


The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States clearly states our freedoms as citizens in this country. As stated, we are promised the freedom of religion, speech, press, peaceful assembly, and petition of the Government. This is pretty well common knowledge, especially in this day and age. Since the Constitution was written we, as citizens, have been granted even more freedoms. I've heard so many times people complaining that we aren't really free, that our Government controls us. I feel we frequently take for granted our freedoms in this country. Freedom doesn't mean without consequence and it doesn't come without law and responsibility. Freedom is not anarchy. Thus I begin with the first piece of my puzzle: freedom.

When you stop to think about the beginnings of our Country, ask yourself the purpose for
which it was founded. Freedom. Many wanted more freedom, particularly of religion, so our ancestors immigrated to this great land. Was it easy? Of course not. They had to fight Great Britain in the Revolutionary War for the freedom to decide their own fate. In 1861 the U.S. Civil War began because many believed all should be free. Our freedom was shaken as Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941, thus the entrance of the United States into World War II. We stood up to tyranny and sent the message to the World that we should be free to determine our own destiny. Our country awoke as the tragic events of 9-11 unfolded in 2001, reminding us of the freedoms we enjoy that so many paid their lives for. In these many instances our fathers, brothers, and sons have stood up for our freedoms declaring that we can be the masters of our own fate.

My Great-Great Grandparents Joseph and Antonette Ruvo came from Sicily, Italy. Not knowing how to read or write and being of a lower-class, they wanted a better life for their seven children. Joseph was able to provide a future for his children in this great country. They all became literate and were successful in the careers they chose and not what they were forced to be by birth.

My Great-Grandfather served in both World War I and II.
He was wounded in the first and received a purple heart for his bravery
and again he served willingly. His photo hung in my Grandfather's room the last few months of his life. Grandpa once told me he urned to serve our country. He wanted to fight, he believed in our freedom, he had honor in his country. He was never able to do so because of medical circumstances but I could see the pain in his eyes as he told me of friends who left to serve and his desire to do the same. He believed in what America stood for. I would like to see more of this deep-rooted American pride that my Grandfather and Great-Grandfather possessed.

Today we have heros who have given their lives or left their families to serve our country and fight for our freedom. We truly live amongst the brave but are we grateful? Do our everyday actions show our gratitude or disrespect toward these great men and women? We are more free than many of us profess to be. Yes we pay taxes, yes we have to vote and sometimes it doesn't turn out how we like but I am a woman and I can vote. I can stay home with my children. I can go to school and get and education. I can go out and work. My husband can be a teacher or a singer or whatever else he wants to be. We can worship in the way we feel God wants us to worship. We are free!

The Book of Mormon states, "Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall
possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land..." (Ether 2:12) In the very rarely heard fourth verse of our National Anthem is a very touching phrase: "Then conquer we must, when our cause is just, And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust". This country was founded upon God. "In God we
trust" is written on our currency. "One nation, under God," is found in our Pledge of Allegiance. If we remove God from our country our freedoms will no longer be protected by Him. Our freedom is tied to our faith.

I am always touched as I sing the more known words of our National Anthem "And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there." I can see it in my mind. It must have been glorious! These men knew they were free. "God bless America" for we are a land of the free and a home to the brave. Let us be thankful that we have our freedoms.


Mark Manning, Revolutionary War gravestone- Texas
Joseph and Antonette Ruvo Family
Floyd Edwin Perry WWI photo
"In God We Trust" coins
Idaho State Capital-Boise, ID

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